G-Land is a large national park, is home to many species of wildlife including panthers, leopards, monkeys, deer, reptiles and exotic birds. It is an amazing place and I really feel that the chase is done before Beaton.
Of Plengkung Bay on the peninsula south of Java is the legendary Grajagan also known as G-Land. Surfers from around the world have made?? Their way to the Javanese jungle each year between March and November, a huge wave of sample G-Land. During these months it is rare locally flat and there is a saying - There is no limit in G-Land, waves in Indonesia, "This is a very special navigational primitive beauty and perfect waves.
Grajagan a true global giant waves, mechanical waves perfect barrel distortion, not a drop of water from space - making dry mouth in mind. If you like the left hand, what is reading this page - suitcase.